Help for Mt. Everything: Select a SCSI-Device by it's ID-Radiobutton. Then choose either the Info-Button to get device information or choose the Mount-Button to mount all the Macintosh-Partitions located on the selected SCSI-Device. Mt. Everything checks if there is already a driver loaded for the device or, if not will load it from the disk. You can always force a reload of the driver by pressing the Option-Key while clicking Mount. Note that on a reload your free space in the System heap will decrease and you are likely to risk a crash. Take this option as a last resort in case nothing else works! These mount options are currently only applicable on SCSI devices of type Disk (i.e. typecode 0: Direct-access device) Update will force a new search for connected SCSI-devices. Reset will reset the entire SCSI-bus and the connected devices. Start/Stop-Unit will spin-up the drive or park the heads and spin down. Copyright © 1991-96 Horst Pralow. Inzmühlener Str. 15, D-21244 Buchholz – Germany All rights reserved. Mail comments and suggestions to